Clues of Personification in Photographic Art

  Study with diligence.           Create with care.
     Cultivate with sincerity.      Poise with nobility.

It is good to be kind.
It is malicious to be over - suspicious.

Through objects feelings are expressed.
Precious is the candid heart.

Inspiration comes with the situation.
The whole creation is born at will.

What is superficial is ordinary ;
What is subtle is great.

Knowing such truth, the style will be more impressive.

Creative work requires diligence and care.
Bearing requires sincerity and cultivation.

View Pictures

Watching the sun
Watching the Sleeping Beauty
On the soil
Climb up the peak
In winds and rains
Tour the valley
 Searching for the root
To know the way
Climb all the mountains
Beauty up the Jade Screen Court
Apparent death A
Self - examination before the window
Apparent death B
Having gone astray
The majestic front
The illusion
The desolate back
Nature's beautiful lady
Appreciating together
In the mother's arm
Till old age
The filial son
Man - made locks
Meeting my good friends
The lock of nature
I bid thee farewell

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